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Dec 9, 2011

The Blessing and the Wait

Psalms 13

Psalm 13 is a representation of a typical day in the life of a believer, especially when we're waiting for God to work on our behalf. Or when we've been praying for some situation in our life and we have an answer for it but it hasn't reached us and there is usually no tracking number for our shipments from God so we can keep checking with its status. We would probably end up in David's despondency in this Psalm.
  1. God has forgotten me(v1a) - He must be busy with His work, or maybe my situation is not important to Him.
  2. Seems like God is hiding Himself from me (v1b) - I don't know what more I should do to get His attention!
  3. How long must I keep worrying and be sorrowful (v2)- Is there anyone else who would care enough to lessen my burden  and share my worry for my situation ?
  4. Even my enemies know about my situation and making fun of me (v2)
His prayer (verse3)
  1. Consider me - Oh God that you would think about me,  pay attention to me.
  2. Answer me
  3. Lighten my eyes [of my faith to behold Your face in the pitchlike darkness] (Amp)- I like how Amplified Bible writes this verse. God that you would enable me to see your face in this time of aimlessness and darkness. Let me see your face at least Lord that I know You are watching my situation. Sometimes thats all we need, not even the answer really matters, we just need to see His face.
His temperament
  1. I have trusted
  2. I have leaned on
  3. I have been confident in Your mercy and loving-kindness
The outcome of it all David sums up is that he will rejoice and be in high spirits in the Salvation of the Lord! He knows Jesus will redeem. He is faithful. David reassures himself of God's faithfulness in the past and therefore he knows God will come through for him

What do we have that we are waiting for desperately. Is there some decision, some situation, some matter that needs a ruling, a result that will change your life forever; be assured that we have God's promise from His word in 1 Peter 5:7 "Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully."(AMP) Now this is exactly what David was looking for and God has it written down for us to be a promise in our lives. All we got to do is seek out His face in the pitch darkness of our situations and we will KNOW He has been watching us every step of the way.

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