Join me, as I Discover the WAY, through the TRUTH, towards the LIFE.

Jan 16, 2009

Desperate Tears

Background: Psalm 6 David cries out to God in a very profuse, heart rendering cry. Desperate for a change, an intervention, redemption, deliverance from his enemies. He is so desperate for the relief that, unrestrained and unstoppable tears flow down his eyes. They're sore, for he has cried for long. You should read the Amplified Version to get the intensity of his supplication. This psalm of David's ignites in me a passion for God.

Lessons I learnt
  • Desperate to reconnect-v3-43 "My [inner] self [as well as my body] is also exceedingly disturbed and troubled. But You, O Lord, how long [until You return and speak peace to me]?
    No matter what error David made, he cried out passionately to God to forgive him and take him back. His heart longed for reconnecting with God always.
  • Desperate for intervention-v4"Return [to my relief], O Lord, "David desperately desired God to be a part of his life. He needed God to guide his life in the way God would have it go.
  • Desperate for deliverance-"4deliver my life; save me for the sake of Your steadfast love and mercy." David did not sit complacently when enemies surrounded him and he always had enemies right from the time he was anointed king. He knew God can deliver, but he also needed to pray and so he did. Not just casually, he poured his heart out in his prayers with such passion and fervor. Would not God deliver His anointed king? He can and He could, but David's prayers engaged God's power to action on his life. An affirmation saying-"Lord come work on my life. I need You Lord."

Conclusion: Thats the making of a man after God's own heart. Man full of passion regarding his life, his struggles, his deliverance. We have an enemy too and if we look around, we'll see him pressing down on our lives from all sides. Social degradation, moral degradation, economic meltdown, family break-ups. Its our time to be desperate and not just watch while the enemy takes all. Our time to stand up, cry profusely to our Living Lord Jesus, to reconnect with our Lord and ask Him to intervene in our lives in His everlasting mercy and give us victory in all corners. Now is the time to live passionately for our Lord, right NOW!!


Yolanda said...

I am behind on my reading!!!
Thank you for the reminder of desperation! Led me right to Hebrews 11:6---there are rewards for those who are desperate for HIM, seeking HIM with all that we are and have. HE is soooo faithful to hear us and to answer us!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....