As I was reading through the Book of Judges I learnt a lot about the amazing Love of my Lord Jesus. The Israelites were doing everything the way they wanted(Judges ends that way-Judges 21:25 "25 In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.").However every time they were in trouble and couldn't get out of it themselves, they thought of God and God would answer their cries and rescue them by raising a judge or a leader for them. Once delivered they would follow God for a few years and then go back to worshipping the Baal and the other gods.
In all that I read, not a single time did I find another god listen to their cry. No baal or any other god came to their rescue. Only the Living Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob came to help them when they cried. They spent most of their time, pleasing a god who was of no good, no help and nothing. When they were in their deepest troubles they called out to the Living Lord. I thought, how could these people be so foolish, so fickle, that in spite of seeing the Living God always delivering them, how could they turn around and worship another god.
In the light of all that I read, I examined my life, I found that in the past I used to do the same things, oh yes I had God on my mind whenever I needed His help but generally, when I had no problem, I would do as I wished. Sunday I would be all over the church doing a lot of activities and when God called me to fellowship with Him, I'd say, oh not now, I need to take rest for the choir practice in the evening or some other work I had. I didn't realise, but I was in a vicious cycle, any believer can get caught on.Like the Israelites were in the cycle of sin, I was in a cycle of too much activity.
Now when I look back I see, there were many times, when God would want me to talk to someone (an unbeliever) about Him, but I was too busy doing my church things, I wasn't paying attention. I was busy serving my own made up god "church activity" without making time to fellowship with the God Who was behind it, maybe looking to get a good word about myself from my pastors and fellow believers.However, when I had problems then I was quick to pray and God would always answer me. My church couldn't help me in what I deeply needed through my fellowship with God.(Now I'm not saying the church was bad, but my help was to come ONLY from God Himself, God wanted me to slow down and sit with Him, not with another christian book, but just with Him and His Word-The Bible, and listening.)
It kind of now reminds me of Martha and Mary. Martha and Mary both were serving Jesus, but Jesus preferred Mary's servitude over Martha's. Martha was preparing food for Jesus, which was a good thing in itself, but she was so caught up with it, she had no time to spend with Jesus Himself. Jesus liked what Mary did, because she sat at the feet of her Lord and listened to Him carefully, while He was at their home.
Lesson: Don't let anything and I mean anything or anyone, come between you and God, God waits, even desires and longs to have fellowship with His children. He wanted to commune with me so desperately, God gave me leave from my job for a year now and has brought me so close to His heart. (Its nice). I am in a different country, different place, the only One I really know well here, is My God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He's here and walking and talking and showing me beautiful things about my life and about how He worked with His people in the past and even now. I am glad I came out of it . I don't say singing in a choir or preaching is not right, but we've got to know this- God does not want us to do anything apart from Him. He wants to be involved in your life too-He gave His life for us didn't He. There's more joy and more glory in life that way.I am surprised that the time I now send my time alone, God has used me to be a blessing more now, than the time when I was in my church back at home.
To conclude I quote Jesus from John 15:5 (Whole Chapter)
"I am the vine; you are the branches.
If a man remains in me and I in him,
he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. "
Let's stop trying to do things apart from Him, let's do it with Him as a team, as a family working together to bring Almighty Father's plan to life.
hi there godzheart. happy easter to u too! :)
how did u get my blog?
Have a blessed Easter! :)
Hey Angie, I found your blog on cyberanger's blog.
God Bless.
Happy Easter to you too Cyberanger.
God Bless.
Amen! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and I'm so glad I "discovered" yours. Happy easter!
Hi Nunzia,
Let's all get busy in glorifying our Living and Loving God.
Praise our Lord Jesus.
God Bless and Happy Easter
"Lesson: Don't let anything and I mean anything or anyone, come between you and God." Okay. May God make it so and may I not get in the way.
Amen to that ordinary Christian,we though are ordinary we have an Extraordinary God. Isn't that amazing
God Bless and Happy Easter
Happy Easter to you,godzheart.God Bless!
Hey sis,
Happy Easter to you too.
God Bless
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