Join me, as I Discover the WAY, through the TRUTH, towards the LIFE.

Aug 26, 2009

Praise Power

Background: Ps 8:2 "From the lips of children and infants, you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger."

It doesnt matter who is praising. It doesn't matter the size of the person praising. It doesn't matter the language of the person praising. It doesn't matter the fluency in a multitude of ornate words used for praising. The Word of God says that God ordains: meaning "confer holy orders upon/to establish by law/to decree/to destine" even infants, the Amplified Bible says "unweaned infants" to praise God in the face of His enemies and you know what the impact of that is "to silence the foe and the avenger." God can silence His enemies not by great macho praise people, but from unweaned infants. What an Awesome God we serve. Ordaining glorious abilities on people whom we may think incapable/weak. That is our God Who empowers the praise of His people, no matter how low, tiny, small you feel before the enemy. Your God thinks BIG of you and empowers you to be BIG before our enemies.

Conclusion: Our God is a powerful God. Able to transform people by one utterance of His Word. When God ordains/establishes praise from infants, they receive the power to silence the enemy. God is able to impart to YOU the power needed to silence the enemy. Don't fret about how tiny, incapable, weak, babyish, helpless you are, but rejoice and Praise in God, Praise our Living Lord Jesus and God will empower you to put your enemies to silence.


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