Join me, as I Discover the WAY, through the TRUTH, towards the LIFE.

Feb 16, 2006

I have a question.

I'm satisfied where I am at, does that make me un-ambitious?

What do you think?


ShepherdKing said...

I love to believe that my Abba father has greater things in store for me, this makes looking forward to each day anticipating with His goodness! Makes life more interesting :)

Unknown said...

Good Morning! Paul said "...for I have learned to becontent in whatever circumstances I am." Phil.4:11

Then I Tim. 6:6-7 says: "Yet true religion with contentment is great wealth. After all, we didn't bring anything with us when we came into the world, and we certain cannot carry anything with us when we die."

God wants us to be content in all things but that doesn't mean we shouldn't grow and explore. I didn't think I had a ministry outside the church until I started blogging. Now I pray that God will use something He says through me to reach someone's heart!

BTW-Wonderful blog!

uncommon1 said...

this is actually a comment for the post from last week on 3/05/06. i didn't know if you'd notice a new comment going that far back. anyway just wanted to let you know that the post was a blessing and encouraging. thanks