Join me, as I Discover the WAY, through the TRUTH, towards the LIFE.

Apr 9, 2006

The Lord and I

It is such fun to see and know what my God would do
with a life thats yielded so
knowing that awesome plan is almost here
I missed some stuff in between, but not anymore
No one else knows the secrets between you and me
The wonderful plans you have for me

For a while I had gone astray,
I thought my dreams would fade away
But you caught me in my fall
and made everything beautiful in my life and all

I cherish the promises you give
I'm grateful for your power to forgive
If it wasn't for your kindness and love
I don't think I would have ever come this far above

I love you Lord, now more than before
For all the times, you've been faithful
In never letting me go
Oh I'm excited with my life when its with you
You hold it and mould the best it can be
Thank you Lord for loving me.


Anonymous said...

This is very good. It's also very true. Amen

Karuna said...

Thank you Pastor, i am glad you think so, it is just something I am seeing God do in my life so I thought I must try my hands at a little poetry.

Gary Wood said...

You speak for many of us who have had the same experience, from the wasted years to loving Him more than ever.

Karuna said...

Wow, thats so amazing to know that most of us have the same experience with the Lord. Its amazing to know, that though all of us being so different from each other are blessed with similar experiences. maybe thats how we're becoming one in Jesus Christ and becoming more like Him.

God Bless.