Join me, as I Discover the WAY, through the TRUTH, towards the LIFE.

Apr 9, 2007

Thinking Blogger Award

I am grateful to Sista Cala, for the "Thinking Blogger" Award. Its now my turn to pass on the wonderful blessing to my 5 favourite blogs.

Rules are given by the original "Thinking Blogger".

My favourite 5 blogs are-: Adventures of an Ordinary Christian, Audrey's Blog, Timeless Text Messages, Healing Waters Flow, Sweeter than Ever,

Adventures of an Ordinary Christian-Andrea, a doctor, a wonderful mom, most of all, a woman of passion to raise women of God through Bible studies, writes here of her adventures with the Lord, telling it like it is. Somehow her posts find a way to touch me.

Audrey's Blog- Audrey a woman of few words, yes literally few. I am amazed at the wonderful way in which she can convey through few words, love, encouragement, faith and so much more.

Timeless Text Messages- Sista Cala, a woman of word. I always wanted to learn of the ways to study the Word of God in a more effective way. For me she's got the Bible toolbelt, presenting ways to know our Lord better through His letter (the Bible) He left for us. I would have loved to honour her with the "Thinking Blogger" award, but someone beat me to it.

Healing Waters Flow- A simple blogger, blogging from the farms in Minnesota. He tells of his journey with the Lord, through his simple yet wonderfully blessed life at his farm. He has a tremendous passion for our Lord Jesus and it shines through in every post he writes.

Sweeter Than Ever- Dana works with the Police department. What impresses me most about her posts is her passion for kids to know the Lord. She works with incarcerated juvenile boys. She writes of her experiences and how she longs to make the world a better place, encouraging us with some really powerful thoughts.

1 comment :

audrey` said...


You touched me so marvellously with the award.
Thank you very much.

All glory and honour be to our Lord =)

Take care.